London, ISTD2, Sat 12th and Sun 13th of February 2011
Valerie Romanin is delighted to welcome Patricia Álvarez, from Madrid and together they will be leading a FlamencOriental workshopover 2 days and strictly barefoot!
This workshop is designed for all levels of experience. Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm (2x4 hours)at ISTD2, 346 Old Street, London EC1V 9NQ (Old Street Tube station).
The price is £85 and numbers are limited. So book NOW sending an email to info@flamencodescalzo.com
This workshop is an amazing opportunity to dance with two teachers specialized in FlamencOriental! Patricia and Valérie are used to work together and share an original vision of flamenco.They will offer a course that combines:
-> rhythmic exercises, marking and transitional sequences of steps;
-> melody and organic movements;
-> guided improvisations to increase perception of space and group synchronization;
-> short choreography focusing on expressiveness.
What to wear : whatever your feel comfortable in and does not restrict your movement.