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¡Te invito a que te des un paseo por ella!

English version

From Spain, Patricia Alvarez offers an elegant, harmonious and expressive dance linked to tradition. She explores the origins of oriental dance confronting them to the power of flamenco and the energy of gypsy dance.
Degree in Arabic and Islam, began to dance like approach to the arab culture that she love it. The passion abuot this world has led her to visit several arab countries and reside in Morocco and Egypt.

Trained with different oriental teachers in Spain and elsewhere. Combining training in raks sharky and arab folklores with the study of flamenco.
Her curiosity and passion for dance has also led her into contact with other styles like contemporary and african dance, whusu, ballet...

Her current work focuses on research and development of the equation of arabs styles with the flamenco, particularly in the similarities between egyptian folklore and flamenco

As a dancer has been part of several dance companies and has worked with various musical groups in many international shows and festivals. Now regularly travel to different European cities where she teaches workshops.

To contact Patricia for workshops, festivals...:

Tahtib Tribal
Gypsy Dance

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Gypsy Dance Fest 2010

Gypsy Dance Fest 2010